How consistency can help you improve in English (English Teacher Amy’s perspective)

An interview with English Teacher Amy (5 crucial aspects of consistency)

In collaboration with British English teacher Amy!
Make sure you check out her Instagram!

Today, I had the pleasure to collaborate with Amy, an experienced British English teacher with incredible love for her job, and interview each other sharing our thoughts to help you stay consistent in your English language learning journey with our tips!
Make sure you check out her website offering personalised English lessons, including General English classes, IELTS preparation, Business English, Cambridge Exam Preparation and Young Learner Courses. Click here to go to her website!

I prepared 5 questions to ask her about this topic

First things, first…

The power of consistency

English, the global lingua franca, opens doors to endless opportunities, from better job prospects to seamless international travel. For many, the journey to proficiency begins with a blend of teacher-led instruction and self-study. But there’s one common thread that binds these two approaches and is often the key to success: Consistency.

In this blog post, we explore the importance of maintaining a consistent routine whether you’re guided by a teacher’s expertise or navigating the world of self-study. We’ll delve into the practical wisdom of a seasoned language educator and conduct an interview with another teacher to uncover their insights on the role of consistency in language learning.

Get ready to unlock the secrets of mastering the English language, as we reveal the strategies and best practices that have proven to be the backbone of successful language acquisition.

Staying consistent when studying English or any language long-term can be a challenge, but it’s crucial for making steady progress.

Here’s Amy’s perspective on consistency when studying English:

Question 1: Why is consistent English study important for ESL Learners?

Amy, could you explain to ESL students why maintaining a consistent study routine is essential for improving their English language skills and achieving their language learning goals?

“So I strongly believe that consistent English studying is important for for ESL (English as a Second Language) learners for several reasons:

Retention: language learning is often more effective when information is reviewed and reinforced over time. Consistent studying helps with retention and ensures that you don’t forget what you’ve learned.

• Progress: consistent studying allows learners to track their progress and see how they’re improving over time. This can be motivating and help maintain a positive attitude towards learning.

• Establishing Habits: consistency helps in forming good habits. Learning a language is a long-term endeavor, and making it a habit ensures that you continue to make progress over an extended period.

• Language Fluency: consistency is crucial for achieving fluency. Fluency requires not just knowing the language but being able to use it effectively in various situations, and this can only be achieved through regular practice.

• Overcoming Challenges: language learning often involves challenges, including difficult grammar rules, new vocabulary, and pronunciation. Consistent studying allows learners to address these challenges gradually and make continuous improvements.

• Cultural Integration: for learners who plan to live or work in an English-speaking country, consistent language learning is essential for integrating into the culture, understanding social norms, and communicating effectively in various settings.

• Career Opportunities: English is a global language, and proficiency in English can open up a wide range of career opportunities. Consistent studying can enhance your job prospects and improve your ability to communicate in the workplace.

• Effective Communication: consistent studying helps learners become better communicators. Effective communication is crucial not only for personal and professional life but also for building relationships and understanding different perspectives.

As you can see, consistent English studying is essential for making good progress!”

Click here for Amy’s Facebook page!

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Question 2: Technology and Tools for Consistent English Practice

In the digital age, there are numerous resources available for ESL students. Could you recommend some useful online tools, apps, or websites that can aid students in their quest for consistent English practice?

Amy: “Sure! There are many online tools, apps, and websites that can help students in their quest for consistent English practice. Students are always asking me for apps and extra tools as they’re great for self-studying between lessons. Here are some useful ones:

Memrise: an app that focuses on vocabulary acquisition. It uses spaced repetition to help learners remember new words effectively.

BBC Learning English: This website provides a wide range of resources, including video lessons, audio, and articles on various topics.

EnglishClub: a comprehensive website with grammar lessons, vocabulary, pronunciation guides, quizzes, and more.

TED Talks: videos available with subtitles, making them an excellent resource for listening comprehension and learning idiomatic expressions.

BBC News: reading and listening to news articles on the BBC News website can help learners improve their English language skills and stay updated on current events.

Anki: a flashcard app that allows users to create their own flashcards for vocabulary and other language practice.

HelloTalk: a language exchange app where you can connect with native English speakers and practice your English skills through conversations

.• English Stack Exchange: if you have grammar or language-related questions, English Stack Exchange is a community-driven Q&A platform where you can get answers from experts.

VoiceTube: a platform where you can watch videos with subtitles and translations. It’s great for improving listening and vocabulary.

Quizlet: a flashcard and quiz app that can help you create and study English vocabulary and concepts.

British Council – Learn English: a website offering a variety of free resources, including games, quizzes, and interactive lessons.

• LingQ: an app and website that helps you learn a language through reading and listening to interesting content.

Cambly: offering on-demand, one-on-one English tutoring with native speakers via video chat.

• Oxford Online English: a website providing free video lessons on various English topics, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

• PhraseMix: provides practical, real-world English phrases and expressions to help you communicate more effectively.

Remember that the effectiveness of these tools and apps depends on your personal learning style and goals. Try experimenting with a few of them to see which ones work best for you and help you maintain consistent English practice.”

3) Success Stories: How ESL Students Achieved English Proficiency through Consistent Study

Can you share any inspiring stories of ESL students who have attained proficiency in English through their commitment to consistent study habits? What can others learn from their experiences?

“Sure! One of my students succeeded in IELTS with a 8.5 overall. Of course, as well as dedication and hard work, he had been studying English for years. Not only that, but he had studied an art programme in the U.S.A for a year and was living in London at the time of his IELTS exam. This level of constant exposure to English allowed him to always be learning, whether that was passively or actively. Between taking an intensive IELTS course with me for six months, living in English-speaking countries and working part-time in an English-speaking environment, he was able to reach this level of proficiency. It really was inspirational to see, I felt very proud.

This inspiring story demonstrates that anyone can attain proficiency in English or any other language with dedication and consistent study habits. The key is to set goals, be patient, and embrace a variety of resources and learning opportunities while maintaining a growth mindset. Success in language learning is not just about talent but about sustained effort and the willingness to learn from both successes and setbacks.”

Want to know more about Amy’s classes?

Contact her here to book a free 15′ call!

4) Is there a specific amount of studying per week that appears ideal or it varies depending on the individual?

“Personally, I think that the ideal amount of studying English per week can vary significantly from one individual to another and depends on several factors:

    • Goals: the amount of study time needed may vary based on students’ language learning goals. For example, someone aiming for basic conversational proficiency may require less study time than someone preparing for a high-stakes English language exam or seeking fluency for professional purposes.

    • Current Proficiency: the starting point matters. Beginners might need more intensive study time to build a foundation, while intermediate or advanced learners may require less time to maintain and further develop their skills.

    • Learning Style: some individuals learn more efficiently in shorter, focused study sessions, while others prefer longer, immersive periods of study. Tailor your study schedule to your personal learning style.

    • Availability: the available time for language learning is a crucial factor. A full-time student or a busy professional might need to find shorter, more frequent study intervals, while someone with more free time can dedicate longer periods to study.

    • Consistency: this is often more important than the total hours of study. Regular, small, and consistent practice can be highly effective. It’s better to study a little every day rather than cramming hours on one day a week.

    • Motivation: this and engagement play a significant role. If you’re highly motivated and enthusiastic about learning English, you might naturally invest more time in your studies.

    • Quality vs. Quantity: focus on the quality of your study sessions rather than the quantity. Effective, focused study is often more valuable than long, unproductive hours of studying.

    • Language Environment: living in an English-speaking environment or having opportunities to practice with native speakers can reduce the need for structured study time.

    • Feedback and Assessment: regularly assess your progress and receive feedback from teachers or language partners. This can help you adjust your study time and focus on areas that need improvement.

In general, it’s recommended to set a specific, achievable goal for your language learning and then tailor your study schedule to meet that goal. Some guidelines suggest at least 30 minutes to an hour of focused English study per day for steady progress, but this can vary widely.

Ultimately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to how much time you should spend studying English. The key is to find a routine that works for you, matches your goals, and allows you to maintain consistent progress while staying motivated and engaged with the language.”

5) What is the role of the teacher in students’ consistency?

“Us teachers play a crucial role in students’ consistency in language learning. We can provide guidance, motivation, and structure to help students maintain regular and effective study habits. Personally, I think some of the best ways in which teachers influence students’ consistency are providing a clear, structured curriculum that outlines what students should learn and when, giving regular assessments and feedbacks to help students monitor their progress and providing accountability, which can be a strong motivator for English learners. We have to play a multifaceted role in our students’ language learning journey, not only providing instruction but also offering guidance, support and motivation, all of which are essential for maintaining students’ consistency in their studies.”

Don’t forget to check out more of Amy’s content!

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